First Church of Christ, Scientist, Newport Beach, California

Teen Talks 2025

Join the second Teen Talk
with Sophie Hills
Click HERE


Save the Date brochure1$500$500
Individual Flyer6$100$600
Mailing and Postcards1$215$215300 * $.67 + Trim $14 = $215
Speaker Fees6$500$3000Unknown at this time
Rent Seabase6$350$2100
Snacks for in-person attencees6$50$300
Website ($55$55First year. Second year tbd
Phone Text Service 1$275$275220 base for one year + 2 cents per text. Assume 200 per month or $48/year

Christian Science Teen Talks 2025

First name:I prefer
Email Address:
cell phone (text):

Click on a picture to see the speakers bio

Barbara Blackwell

Sophie Hills

Michael Brown

Piper Foster Wilder

James Orlet

Christie Hanzlik

To Do List
  1. Format for individual speaker flyer to go out 3-4 weeks prior to talk with desk announcement. Speakers to provide additional photos and info in desired)(Mike and Glen)
  2. Cover letters to churches, practitioners, camps and schools and Jan Sappenfield, PTH, PL. Miranda (Mike)
  3. Desk Announcement to include times and date and speaker with a bit of background. (Mike)
  4. Prepare list of email addresses for camps and schools (include PTH and PL) (Kathleen, Christine)
  5. Special letter and personal call to for Kathy Burris, and Mark Mohlenbrock, (PTH & PL) (Mike)
  6. List for kids to fill out on registration page, (Insure they will not be filmed) (Mike and Glen, with input from speakers)
  7. Verify You Tube streaming can be restricted and chat room interface possible. (Glen)
  8. Record speakers with a compilation of their talks for later distribution. (Glen, Mason, Keillor)
  9. Encourage kids to write follow up fruitage for publication in Teen Section of Sentinel. (Speakers and follow up letter to registrants.) (Speaker at end of each session)
  10. List and communicate benefits: Discounts with CSPS, Invites to Schools and camps. JSH: and The Christian Science Monitor: (Mike and CSPS Rep)
  11. Final email lists to go to Camps, Schools, Speakers, CSPS (Mike and Kathleen)
  1. Work with Christine on non-science youth mailing lists (Mike, Glen)
  2. Group evaluation after the first speaker in January (Where can we improve?) (Zoom meeting with Mike and Speakers)
  3. Encourage speakers to listen to their fellow speaker’s presentations. (Mike)
  4. Have Kathleen reserve Sea Base room for 2 pm – 4pm Sunday meetings on our specific dates. (Kathleen after speakers finalize dates. (Jan 5th firm from 2-4) Schedule Mason and Keillor for specific dates) (Kathleen)
  5. Glen to purchase and finish website and links to our website (Glen)
  6. Distribute announcements, postcards, calls, etc to everyone. (Camps, Schools, Practitioners, Churches) (Glen)
  7. Talk personally to Jan Sappenfield, Jenny Sawyer, Miranda Albins (send flyers and announcements to int’l list) (Mike)
  8. Follow up letters to registrants, thanks them, and encourage to write fruitage to be published in Sentinel) (Mike)
  9. Arrange for Monitor handouts and Sentinel articles relevant to each topic to be sent to registrants) Mike to work with Casey Fedde and Lauren Crandall (CSM) ; Jenny Sawyer (CSPS) ; and Jan Sappenfield (TMCRR) (Mike, Christine)
  10. Rehearsal prior to each event (Each Speaker, Mike, and Keillor or Mason)
  11. Finalize registrant form (Mike and Glen)
  12. Share final registrant list at end of the year with speakers, camps and schools, CSPS (Mike and Glen)

Comments, Questions, Report a Problems

Email Address: